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Urbino Portfolio Pieces-03.jpg


The trip that taught me that there is excitement even in the smallest adventures. If you would have told me a year ago I would be skipping around a small Italian town for a month with my cameras, I would giggle.  

What a dream! Studying abroad through a program that allows me to practice and challenge my photography craft will forever be one of my most cherished memory of school.

These photos I captured place me right back in the incredible scenes during my time in Italy. Everything from the food, the people, the sites were captured through my cameras. 




Urbino was everything it needed to be and more. Its endless side streets and overlooks was the perfect playground for me and my camera. I took an afternoon to focus on the towns character, honing in on the small, quiet moments that I wanted to hold onto. Before this trip, I did not have any experience shooting landscapes. This challenged me to shift my mindset, making sure I was paying attention to the lines in a scenes and using the natural elements to frame what I wanted to be the main focus of an image. I was completely lost in the natural beauty and details of this town and I hope you can see why through my images. 

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You found my study abroad film archive. While abroad, I went through 4 rolls of 25 mm film , capturing moments from a handful of Italian cities. Each image captures a snippet of joy from various points while on my program.

So go ahead, get all up in there. Click, drag, or rotate the jumble of images or double tap on one to view all of them in full screen.

Ducklings in Cinque Terra
Would you get a load of this guy!
Drinks in Florence
Ok teach!
Quite possibly my favorite look at the Duke Palace
Majority of our program- what a good looking group
Wine O'Clock
Tucked away side street
Another side street
Main commute
Top of Duke Palace
Ground 0 Duke Palace
Duke palace look over
Our lovely tour guide
3 musketeers
Open Mic!
My lena girl
Overlook View
ideal breakfast
hey thats me
Halls of Duke Palace
Couch bar shenanigans
Bologna look over
Cheers pt.1 in Urbino
Cheers pt. 2 in Fano
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All work © Bre Roeder unless otherwise noted.

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